Friday 3 June 2011

Domestic Violence: Wake up to the Issue

I am currently researching for my new photographic project which relates to one of the most common problems that has faced our society since time began. Domestic Violence. Things have improved over the decades in the sense that we are more aware that it happens, however, we still shy away from the consequences of these volatile relationships.

We watch in horror at a documentary which depicts the lives of abused women and donate our pennies to services that aid the victims, but when we are faced with a situation closer to home we tend to ignore it. If a friend’s arm appears with bruises we ask once where they came from and take what they say as face value. As long as we asked, we did what we could. In the UK, one in four women will be affected by Domestic Violence at least once in their lifetimes, so why is it not talked about more? Why is the number so high when we are ‘aware’ of what is going on?

This is an issue that not only effects women, there are an increasing number of Domestic Violence cases involving men. 26% of men have experienced it at least once in their lives, although the number is surely much higher due to the stigma attached to men that are victims to their female partners.

Through my research I have found that there are many campaigns that highlight the abuse the victims are subjected to, this may show people what goes on, but it may also remind the victims of what they think may face them if they do try to leave. I want to create a collection which features the survivors of Domestic Violence. The people that have achieved freedom and happiness from leaving their situations, it could show the victims that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

I think it is important for this issue to be a priority in this country because there are too many people trapped in situations they do not deserve. They need support, not stigma.

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